KJJ: I'm not reprinting this recipe for tofu satay from A Simple Celebration (Deepak Chopra's quasi-cookbook) because it was not a "damn good" recipe! This is the last thing I ever make out of this book - my own intuition in putting together something like this would have been much better (in my opinion). With a little extra sesame oil the tofu's could have been nice and crispy. The sauce recipe was so thin and ridiculous (even after ommitting 2 cups more of broth and a whole can of coconut milk!) that we wound up drizzling it over the rice. If the tofu had been marinated, it would have increased the tingling tastebuds quotient to a much higher degree. Did the authors of this cookbook really ever try making this? Good thing that little lemony space-candy-man save the day with dessert. Super awesome bold power candies! Sugar lemon explosion! Make KJJ very happy!