KJJ: You take a bite out of your freshly baked chocolate chip cookie, pause for a moment to continue on a drawing, and return to find it gone, eaten by a wild-haired transient moustachio'd Texan. WTF? Its not like there weren't at least ten other freshly baked chocolate chip cookies available for purchase and download. Old JRW a.k.a. Moustache McGee - you better watch him 'round your edibles and baked goods.
Another true, weird, story: get this- its about dinner time, I'm starving for the Chicken Caesar Salad we're going to make (this Wendy's ad I saw the night before at 1am seemed to program itself into my head and make me want, of all things, a Chicken Caesar Salad - thnx Wendy's) for dinner... and old Jamie "Wyld Style" Ward announces, he's going to make himself a sausage as a snack??? Right before dinner??? While the rest of us lowly citizens are just supposed to wait the extra 10 mins and stay hungry??? Portrait of a lunatic.
And I got other questions: Number One- seriously, it was weird that I'd ever want a Chicken Caesar Salad - my question is... you've got a salad - why dump big chunks of greasy meat on top of it? Like.... uhhhh... So odd!
Number Two - how comez my cookies always turn out so biscuit like? (heh).
Is this a baking powder issue or a not-enough-sugar issue? Tips from bakers would be appreciated! This is the second batch of cookies that have risen up almost bread-like.
I YOINKS'D THAT COOKIE, I DID. It was there, with the rest of the cookies. I thought it was being put back. i mean, who takes a bite of a delicioso cookie, then puts it back in the pile? Someone who's gonna get her cookie yoinks'd, that's who.
And that salad? It was great. Lemon pepper chicken cesar salad? Genius. the croutons were are a good little treat, they were like little sponge-cubs, and they sopped up the dressing/ parmesan mix quite nicely. Quick and surprisingly tasty.
Then...the cookie/ biscuits.
JRW: I'm gonna yoinks that Tim Hortons...