KJJ: This is a recipe my old friend and housemate Gayle made once. I have a mind of steel so I instantly memorized the details of its construction and have cooked it often over the years.
//heat oil, add like 6 cloves of minced garlic (yeah, lots and lots. cancel any plans you have for the evening).
//slice a load of roma tomatoes into quarters or eighths. this time i used cherry tomatoes. they were so-so. cook in the oil until they're soft and release the juices. mmm....
//boil pasta. what you are seeing above is something the italians call... "rigatoni".
//once everything is done, stir it all together in the pot. drizzle some olive oil, and heres the kicker-- sprinkle a small handful of basil into it. stir. serve.
//oops I forgot to mention the feta. the feta! you need lots to make it tasty. you crumble or slice little cubes of it and put it into the pasta. we all know its the best part, so dont be stingy.
Hey, so the SWAT team stormed a house by our studio. Thats a story for another blog. Just... puttin' that out there.