KJJ: I added super extra butter to these dishes because JRW is getting so skinny. The raita, as it usually is, turns out slightly watery from the cucumber juices. But the addition of cilantro, authentic Bulgarian yogurt, salt, and a small bit of cumin was nice.
JRW: I'm totally trimmed down now, it's quite rad. However, I need some new pants (or I need to gain some weight back), or else I'm going to end up accidently give some random stranger(s) a close encounter of the plaid boxer kind. So, BRING ON THE BUTTERIN'! Also, the cucumber juices made this a little watery for my tastes, but I tried it on top of the chick peas, and it was damn good.

KJJ: Rice and beans. Dressed up with strawberries. Mash about 1/3 of the chick peas with a fork or potato masher to get a nice consistency. Don't over do the spices, subtlety is appreciated. There is no actual curry powder in this dish, only a blend of cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, allspice, ginger, and garlic. And lemon juice which really improves the taste. And a diced tomato. So there!!
JRW: Before KJJ moved in, I had no turmeric in my spice rack. Nor cumin, I think. Nor vegetables. Man, how times have changed. KICK ASS! Did you see how those tortillas snuck in there? MULTI-CULTI all over the place. We break down barriers over here.