KJJ: JRW got really giddy when I mentioned Burger Tex; so Burger Tex it was. I dig it because they do a Veggie Burger (I know, weird). JRW knows them by name there, and he placed the order, so I'll let him explain how swishy it was for him to roll up in a PT Cruiser with a UK Elle Decor magazine in the back seat and pick up a Veggie Burger for his wife- saying adios to his bachelorhood forever...
JRW: Come take a ride on the BT Express. It's like, the best burger you will ever have. Some say Dirty's is better, but that's because they're just afraid to roll down Airport. BT is for the real.
Get to know the combo menu. You like going into a COMA after you eat? Wicked. Then do this:
Get the #1 (it's a 6 oz, they sell and 8 oz, too, I think it's a #3 ad it is insanely gut-stuffing), add some SWISH cheese (their pronunciation, not mine-that's why they RULE) and grilled mushrooms. Dawg, it is FOR REAL. So juicy, so grilly, so yummy. Comes with their new-version fries, second in radness only to Hyde Park Bar and Grill. Oh and a Coke. Call 'em up, Larry and crew will have that shizz waiting for you in like, 5 minutes, no joke. Wear pants with a loose waist, or just take the pants 0ff. Have you ever sat on the couch in your boxers, skarfin' down a wicked monster burger while watching downhill skiing? F'ing weird, huh?