KJJ: Ahhh... another veggie curry. This one turned out far less magnificent than the previous one. The difference? This one was made with a prepared sauce. I know, I know... The sauce was "alright", but the waxy potatoes didn't balance. Shoulda chose a starchy kind. Shoulda, coulda, woulda. And if you see your mom, tell her.... SATAN>>>>
JRW: This curry was like the PIOUGHD album-not all together bad, but not as great as PSYCHIC POWERLESS...ANOTHER MAN'S SAC, or the wonderful first half of the HAIRWAY TO STEVEN ep. It had it's P.S.Y. moments, the cauliflower would be it's HURDY GURDY MAN, but lacked the spice, the NEGRO OBSERVER, or I SAW AN X-RAY OF A GIRL PASSING GAS of the previous curry we ate. But not every currry can be a COWBOY BOB, we just make cook, and try, and hope it doesn't come out as a PEPPER.