KJJ: The quest for the vegetarian taco has been successful! These are from El Chilito - cheap, delicious, and were pumped full of flavourful zucchini, corn, onions and cheese. So non-vegan, but still a start in this carnivorous state I call temporary and/or permanent home. The puffy tacos in the beef variety are a big hit with JRW. Stupidly addictive, be ye warned. My "fish tacos around Texas" column is forthcoming. Wildly different varieties have been found at Tampico in Houston, Trudy's in Austin, El Sol Y La Luna in Austin, El Chilito and El Chile in Austin....
JRW: El Chilto. Nuff said. It's a great thing, dscovering a new taco joint. This one I'd heard some rumbling about, and so we sought it out. We're happy to say, it's as good as you can imagine, and pretty nice on the hobo wallet as well. I personally think those little puffy tacos are the best around, and have been pivotal in the rekindling of my burning love of tacos. They're just that good. It's tacos like these that make it hard to go veg for this Texan.