Sunday, October 15, 2006


Corn chowder prepared by Depew Social Society legendary tour de force Chris Sieeeebenthaalerrr. Below, onion cornbread pudding prepared by yours truly, recipe from the 1976 A Texas Hill Country Cookbook purchased in 2005 Calgary, Alberta Canada for one dollar at the used bookstore. Yep, I made some soul food. Mmmmm hmmm. Our complete Sunday dinner. You sir are looking at soup, herb salad w/ home-made vinaigrette, cod baked with mustard wasabi crust, cornbread and corn chowder. And a stack of Italian books on the floor. And now we settle in to a nice long evening of Austin Texas Allergy Attack courtesy of the current rain. JRW: Why do I live in Texas? With allergies like mine? Simple. Corn. I know, you can get corn anywhere. I was just attempting to make a little connection. There is none...except that this awesome corncentric meal was had in Texas. And I have allergies. And hey, isn't Grand Funk just the perfect way to remember this meal by? Yeah, I KNOW!