Monday, November 14, 2005


BLACK BEAN CHILI; HOME-MADE CARROT BREAD; CHEESE SAMPLER KJJ: This was a nice meal. Home-made carrot bread was actually quite cake-like. An unusual recipe from a Texas Hill Country Cookbook put out by some old bitties in the 70s. I can verify that there is a Lady Bird Johnson recipe in there. Not a recipe FOR her, but BY her. Did you know that Johnson City didn't even have a name before it became Johnson City? Really makes you think. You are looking at my bowl of chili, with yogurt and cilantro on top. JRW refuses these toppings. He is lactose indifferent. The cheese sampler was really just a premonition for things to come. JRW: Your offer is tempting But it's not what it seems You take advantage Of everyone else's dreams You create the perfect picture By dressing up the scene Trust our hopes and lives To your death machines Your point is not well taken Because that's not what it means I will refuse! (Those toppings) KJJ: ... Did you... just quote a PAILHEAD verse... on our.... FOOD BLOG?? Hahaha!